Hand Waving Flags for Burps - Baby Unit's Relatives & Parents Support

BURPS Charity is made up of a group of parents and relatives that have had an ill or premature baby on the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at Stoke Mandeville Hospital.

Burps Fundraisers Waving Flags

Their aim is to support the families of the babies on the Unit with advice and information, or simply to offer someone to talk to that understands the difficult situation which they are in.

Another important part of their work is to fund raise to aid in the supply of additional equipment and training for the Unit which is essential to ensure the Neonatal team can continue to provide the exceptional care that every newborn baby deserves.

Burps Fundraisers Waving Flags

B-Loony supplied and printed hand waving flags which the fundraisers use to attract attention and give away to children and families to highlight their cause and raise awareness and support for the charity.

For more information on BURPS, please visit: http://burps-smh.btck.co.uk/


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