Printed Balloons

Printed Balloons

We print over 50 million balloons every year. That's a lot of balloons!

We custom print balloons to your exact specifications, and use the Pantone® colour matching system to ensure your brand is accurately reproduced wherever possible.

Balloons make wonderful walking advertisements and are highly visible and engaging, especially when paraded at eye-level through a busy high street or shopping centre. As a low cost promotional product, we believe balloons that are branded with a corporate logo or marketing message offer the best value for money and a high return on investment for our clients.

B-Loony are the only balloon printer in the UK with ISO: 9001 quality accreditation and is a four pillar audited member of SEDEX.

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  • Brand Event Printed Foil Balloons

    These Brand Event foil balloons are the perfect way to capture attention and promote your event in and around your store. Ideal for display purposes, these foil balloons will stay fully inflated for up to two weeks, and can be topped up to extend their longevity.

    Choose your balloon colour, brand one side with your logo, print a promotional brand event message on the other!

    • Brand Event Balloons
    • 18" Diameter
    • Requires Helium Gas for Inflation
    Learn More

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